AfEOS has created a sharing platform via the Drupal cms for the OSS.



This platform contains a news feed, an interactive calendar, a data manager allowing the upload and download of documents such as videos, pdf... All that with a multipage navigation supported by a promotional home page making the link to the whole site.


The plateform

The OSS/DSS GMES & Africa platform (for Sahara and Sahel Observatory/Decision Support System, Global Monitoring for Environment and Security & Africa plateform) is a knowledge sharing tool and a link to powerful applications using earth observation to better manage natural resources. 


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Who is this platform for?

The end-users, which are the managers, experts and professionals of water resources management, in charge of monitoring agriculture and the environment, specifically the North African region.

Researchers, academics, trainers and students, especially in the field of water resources, agriculture and the environment.

Journalists and media professionals, especially those specialized in water resources and environmental issues.

The technical partners of GMES&Africa and the private sector at the national, sub-regional and regional levels.

And the general public interested in the project themes and/or its results.


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The objective of this project

The objective of this project is to upport decision-making in the field of sustainable management of natural resources and water management through the provision of data and products and services based on Earth Observation (EO) data and techniques.